Electronic Buzzer for Public Transit Rail Applications


The client is a world-class manufacturer of components used in public transit equipment. Its products thus help provide millions of safe rail trips every day across many North American cities.

Some types of equipment feature electromechanical buzzers that the operating team uses to communicate with each other and with passengers on board. These buzzers are an aging design, which increases their replacement cost and makes their maintenance more difficult. The Cysca team was called in to develop a new generation of fully electronic buzzers to replace the current product without making any other design changes to the equipment.


The turnkey project involved the design, development, production, and qualification of a pilot batch of electronic buzzer circuits. Design constraints abounded as the new component had to fit the same tight space as the electromechanical buzzer and provide the same reliable functionality without overheating.

Also, the public transit industry is particularly regulated: documentation, material selection, reliability, maintainability, safety, and component validation are all subject to specific requirements. Only the strictest of processes can ensure every requirement is met or exceeded. Cysca presented the required schematics, printed circuit boards, firmware, software tools, documentation, test procedures, certification, and reports for full solution compliance.


The new electronic buzzer design performed to the level of its predecessor and made it easier to replace the component in use in a number of rail transit systems already in service. The manufacturer can now integrate the development to its own assembly line to offer it for future contracts.

End users also enjoy the lower cost and improved maintainability of the new solution, which enhances the trust they have in their supplier and contributes to their continued partnership. Public transit operators and users, meanwhile, continue to work and travel safely.

Project Services and Industries

Electronic Design

Sustainable Mobility

Rail Transport

Embedded Software Design

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