Subject Matter Expertise for the Replacement of Subway Cars


One of Canada’s largest public transit authorities was preparing to replace the rail cars of its subway system. The contract was awarded to a consortium of multinational firms after a thorough RFP process.

To make sure it would receive the product that best met its needs at favorable conditions, the company turned to Cysca to secure the services of a subject matter expert to help oversee and monitor suppliers of embedded intelligent systems, communication networks, as well as testing and maintenance equipment for each of the train’s multiple subsystems. Every technical solution vendors put forth had to be assessed to ensure it met all technical specifications.


The Cysca team includes a number of experienced engineers who have worked as systems engineers for various manufacturers and have therefore amassed the experience and expertise the client was seeking. We know intelligent rail systems and their subsystems inside out, whether in terms of technical data management systems (TDMS), portable testing equipment (PTE), or onboard diagnostics.

A technical expert was assigned to the transit authority’s project management office to support the team throughout the entire project, right up to the commissioning of the new subway cars. The presence of Cysca’s expert helped ensure that all suppliers met every last requirement when it came to the subway’s digital networks, which are essential to train operations with passengers on board, and to all maintenance operations, to ensure safety and reliability.


Fully compliant, high performance rail cars were delivered, thanks to the diligent work of the project management office, which made sure the technical specifications were optimized to the transit authority’s specific needs.

The equipment features technological advances that make operations easier for both train operators and maintenance and support teams. The embedded intelligent systems provide an excellent view of subway car conditions and operation to ensure safe, high-quality performance when serving the passengers that rely on them every day. The tooling helps predict and target maintenance operations, optimizing the life cycle of the rail cars and enhancing management efficiency for the client.

Project Services and Industries

Systems Engineering

Critical Systems

Communication Networks

Public Transit – Subway

Sustainable Mobility

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